They only ask for your effort, too.
“Success is directly tied to two main levers.
Willingness to do what most won’t.
The value you add to the marketplace.
In summary, if you’re willing to do unglamorous, hard stuff that other people won’t do and you add quality value to the market, losing is impossible.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Everybody wants it.
Not everybody is willing to do what it takes to attain it.
The reason being is because it usually asks of you to do some pretty unglamorous stuff for long periods of time.
Oh yeah, and it asks you to be skillful and valuable with whatever you choose to do.
So what’s my simple minded take on success?
1) Be willing to do hard things (well) that others won’t do.
2) Ensure that whatever it is you’re doing adds value to the lives of others.
I’m sure there is more to it or whatever, but I feel like in just about any realm, if you can apply those two principles over the long haul it’s going to be really hard to fail.
I’d actually go out on a limb and say that not succeeding would be impossible with the application of the above.
So if it’s this easy, and everybody wants to be successful, why isn’t everybody successful?
It’s because they are only willing to do easy things that everybody else already does and whatever they’re doing is adding little to no value to others around them.
The concepts of glamorization and instant gratification that are taking such a stronghold in our society today lock people into thinking, “If I can’t get it now, why do even try?”
And then they sit on their phones comparing themselves to strangers all over the internet while netflix plays in the background.
Sure, you can get a menial job in an office and do menial work for a menial wage and you can make a living. And if that’s your interpretation of success and that fulfills you, guess what.. I’m clapping for you. Loudly.
But as somebody who believes in extracting fulfillment out of a vocation that has the ability to change the trajectory of someone’s life, I’ve never been satisfied with the concept of making a living.
It has been forever been a goal of mine to design a life in a way that I can not only benefit others with my actions, but gain fulfillment in my own.
And doing that unglamorous stuff for long periods of time, trying every day of my life to add value to others has paid dividends.
My hope is that you find and act on what fills your cup.