Health & PE Are More Important Than Advanced Mathematics

I realize that caught your attention, but is it not crazy that they've conditioned us to believe the inverse is true?

I realize that caught your attention, but is it not crazy that they’ve conditioned us to believe the inverse is true?

“They consider you a fool if you don’t excel in ‘AP’ classes in school.

But live your life without an iota of physical literacy, potential preventable disease, & you’re right on par with the ‘expectation’ they have for you.

And they’ll try to convince you the system isn’t broken.”

-Ray Zingler on X

I am by no means “anti-academic”, without academia I wouldn’t know anything. I still don’t know very much, but I do know this:

The lack of emphasis we place on physical literacy in our country is setting our kids up for a low quality of life.

From mental health issues to physical health issues, not knowing and understanding the fundamental concepts or dare I say “AP” concepts of health, exercise, and wellness is far more dangerous than fretting over an A or B in AP US History.

Again, if AP classes are your thing, by all means work to excel in them, but to prioritize AP Stat over Fundamental Health & Wellness?

What the hell are we doing?

Sure, we have the drugs and resources to keep folks alive longer, but are we paying attention health spans?

They are rapidly declining in our country and it’s for no other reason than we’ve accepted it.

Is it people’s personal responsibility to take care of their health? It is.

But why are we not prioritizing the notion in our schools with our kids during their most pivotal, impressionable years?

Why are we continuing to (dramatically) reduce Health & PE budgets in our government school systems?

We have the money for “Free computers for all!” but our kids don’t know the difference between protein and carbohydrates?

PE classes have resulted to kids sitting in the shade and playing on their phones.

Sure, it is the teachers faults for not setting the standard, but they don’t have any accountability in modern America.

PE is a “joke” class. Give it to that new coach, or better yet, that coach who is on his way out, since it’s just a dead period and an easy “A” for the kids, anyway.

Why is it like this?

I’ll tell you why.

It’s far deeper than “well my local school system doesn’t..”

It’s because our government wants weak, dependent citizens. It makes people far easier to control when they must rely on “the man” for their script.

Prioritize stuff that matters? Nah.

Create the illusion that GPA is the way to success and a better quality of life!

And the sad part is that we actually buy it.

Health and wellness “isn’t a big deal” until it is.

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