I Train The Valedictorian At The Local High School. He Had Some Insight On The Importance Of Physical Training.

It's a shame that the suits in district offices don't understand it like he does.

It’s a shame that the suits in district offices don’t understand it like he does.

“Physical Education in the public school system was overwhelmingly better 60 years ago than it is today.

Like Tesla to Horse Drawn Carriage better.

As we’ve reduced emphasis on physical literacy we’ve incurred physical & mental problems on a scale the world never seen.


-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I watched a documentary recently (that I recommend you watch) called ‘The Motivation Factor’.

It is a documentary that sheds light on the importance of physical training for our youth and the consequences of undervaluing it.

It highlighted some of the best Youth Physical Education programs the world ever saw (in the 1960’s) and just how far removed we are from quality public school physical education in 2017 (time of release).

Do you have any idea what goes on in PE today, “PE” where in most High School districts isn’t required, or, if it is, it is only one single semester of a 9-12’s, 8 semesters, that the kids are required to take it.

And by take it, I mean sit on their phones in the shade or in an air conditioned gym, watching tiktok videos or receiving beration from their parents via text message because they are being penalized academically for taking a class without academic rigor.

Yep, those kids who do take PE, Band, Orchestra, or any other, hell I don’t know, PRACTICAL electives are penalized for it.

4.3 GPA? For a regular kid? Good luck getting into UGA or GT in the state of Georgia and I know other state school’s are similar around the country.

I didn’t have a 4.4 gpa if you added up all my semesters together, I don’t reckon. Oh how that lack of “prestigious” degree negatively impacted me, as I sit here writing this from my “outdoor desk” at my home, with my family, in control of my time as my suma wuma cuma lade acquaintances rush into the office to work for the man.

It’s a joke, but seriously, what are we teaching our kids?

That academia is more important than the concept of physical health, which (HEAVILY) impacts mental, emotional, and spiritual health?

We have it completely ass backwards in America.

I train the Valedictorian at the local HS.

4.7 GPA with the max academic rigor possible. Never smelled a B in his life. His first semesters of college are done.

Here’s what he told me:

“I joined Zingler Strength freshman year because I refused to be one of those book nerds who couldn’t talk to people. I knew this would help me physically, but more importantly, socially.”

And he’s a wizard.. Hmmm?

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