The problem is that people would rather complain than induce change.
“‘The world is a crazy place these days, it’s ashame our kids are having to grow up like this!’
What are you doing about it?
Are you actively working your face off shift the tide in your own backyard?
Or are you simply complaining about it like everybody else?”
-Ray Zingler on X
We sit here and talk about it as if it’s going to get better on its own, knowing damn well that without action it never will.
We tend to take an outward view of the world on a macro scale and recognize that “fixing it” ourselves seems far too tall of a task.
“There’s just no way my efforts can shift the tide alone” and this is the exact mindset the contributes to our world’s brokenness.
Inaction will forever be a vote for the opposition.
So, admitting that the world is “messed up” but doing absolutely nothing to help fix it is a concrete vote FOR the way things are.
And not only are you voting FOR the brokenness you might outwardly vocalize against, but you’re also condoning it. More and more with each passing day, in fact.
This is why after a lot of self-reflection and a DEEP lack of understanding; I don’t actually believe the world is messed up.
I think the world “just is”. Right, wrong, or indifferent is only my perception.
What if instead of pointing the finger outward to acknowledge what we perceive to be wrong, we pointed the finger inward?
What if we understood that we can’t control “them” and what they do, but we can control ourselves?
And if we can control ourselves, can we not put fourth effort to improve what we perceive to be wrong?
Is it politics?
Travel sports?
The reason these things are the way they are now is because enough people accepted it.
Again, you and I can say they’re wrong, but what are we doing to help improve them?
Are you working at it every single day on the micro of micro levels.
Are you fighting the good fight to shift the tide and change the narrative in your own backyard?
Are you doing it every day?
The world isn’t changed by hopes and wishes.
The world is changed by local people at the local level who are willing to not only put, but maintain skin in the game.
They aren’t trying to change the world.
They are trying to change their world.
And when “little” people do “little” things, consistently, the tide can eventually shift.
Action wins.