It’s one of the most rewarding practices you can implement in your life.
Random Kinds is gangster as hell.
Send a random note to a friend, client, or family member & just tell them you’re thinking about them.
Make them the main character of the story.
Watch what happens.
I do it every day & it’s easily one of the most valuable aspects of my day.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
It’s easy to talk about kindness, selflessness, and gratitude, but it’s much more difficult to live it than one would think.
It’s because the human mind is naturally selfish by default.
You see we may have intentions and desires to be kind, selfless, and thankful, but without a conscious focus on tangibly acting on our intentions, life “gets too busy” and “in the way” of our desires.
So what happens? Our intentions remain intentions. Our lack of action brings death to our desires.
With the speed of life and everything going on, how do we prevent or remedy not running out of time to be who we want to be?
I plan my kindness, selflessness, and gratitude on a calendar with the same emphasis and importance as I would a MAJOR business meeting.
It’s that important to me. Matter of fact, it’s more important to me than the major business meeting.
Because without what I believe to be the most integral part of who I am as a child of God, husband, father, friend, and business owner, nothing else matters.
Am I perfect? No. I mess up. A lot.
But here is what I do, do.
I make it a point to send a, sometimes random, note (text/dm) or call to a friend, client, or family member every day.
I choose to overcome my inherent selfish desires with a simple action that usually takes less than 5 minutes.
Sometimes the messages warrant a simple response, other times they grow legs into meaningful conversations full of love and fellowship.
A simple act of kindness can open so many doors. It can be that perfectly timed message that person needed. These acts will flood you with fulfillment in ways I can’t convey in words.
These simple gestures don’t put me on a pedestal. They don’t make me better than anybody else. And they surely don’t merit any “reward” on the back end.
They are the casting of simple votes for who I want to be as a person.
Because I serve a God who bestowed upon me, an unworthy, flawed human being these acts of love.
And I want to be a little more like Him, and a little less like me.
Try it.
It will change your life.