10 Things I Do Daily That Contribute To Fufillment

They don't guarantee perfect days, but they do make each one meaningful.

They don’t guarantee perfect days, but they do make each one meaningful.

“10 things I try to do daily:

  1. Give Him the time.

  2. Read.

  3. Write.

  4. Spend time with family.

  5. Do something hard.

  6. Spend time outside.

  7. Let go of something

  8. Tell someone how much I care about them.

  9. Vocalize gratitude for the blessings.

  10. Pray over my kids.”

-Ray Zingler on X

These 10 things certainly don’t ensure every day is a *GREAT* day, but they do make it impossible to ignore the blessings in my life, which in turn make each day meaningful.

1)  Give Him the time. Life goes fast. I’m learning this more and more with kids, businesses, and etc. I bookend my days with Bible Study & Prayer to ensure I make time for Who is most important.

2)  Read. I generally start my days with Bible Study/Reflections and business-related study and finish my days with free reads in the evening. Reading is one of the most valuable gifts there is.

3)  Write. Writing is important to me because I’m not a very smart person. I’ve got a lot going on in the ‘ol noggin so to be able to express thoughts in creative/free form writing on a daily basis allows me not only to organize my thoughts but challenge them as well. Challenged thoughts contribute to growth.

4)  Spend time with family. One of the upsides to entrepreneurship is that despite having to work every single day, I can bake in time with my family every single day. I believe in systems and processes for nearly everything in my life and focusing on “building out” time with family is of the utmost importance.

5)  Do something hard. Most of the time, for me personally, this is something physical. No, it doesn’t always mean a squat max, but more of holding myself accountable to do something challenging or something I don’t particularly want to do. I believe this callouses the brain in a positive way.

6)  Spend time outside. It’s not about me believing that spending time in the sun and nature is good for the body and the mind, it’s an inarguable fact. I try to do things I know are good for me, and getting outside is one of them.

7)  Let go of something. This could be a limiting belief, a negative thought, or a person/construct occupying valuable space in my brain. I intentionally let it go.

8)  Tell someone how much I care about them. Not only does this validate them as a person and strengthen our connection, it takes the focus off of myself.

9)  Vocalize gratitude for the blessings. I include the “negative” stuff too. It’s because there are so many positive things in my life that I tend to get tripped up on what don’t “look like blessings” even though oftentimes, those things I try to minimize are the biggest blessings of them all.

10)  Pray over my kids. I try to finish each day putting my hand over their hearts. I ask God to protect and guide them and then I tell them how much I love them and how proud of them I truly am.

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