The masses pass on the lowest hanging performance fruit. The great ones know it’s the “secret”.
“A lot of High School kids ‘go to the gym & workout.’
Few High School kids are Professionally trained with scientifically sound performance training.
A lot of athletes never even sniff the pinnacle of their potential.
Few few the most out of themselves.
Just an observation.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
There is a difference between training and working out.
Working out, while 100% completely fine is what average people do.
I don’t by any stretch of the imagination say this negatively. I highly encourage this concept for most, and by definition, most are average people.
Go to the gym. Go for a walk. Move your limbs a little bit. Work up a sweat. Go home. Eat remotely healthy most of the time.
If you can do this consistently, you may not be in the same shape as an Olympian, but you’ll be pretty damn well off from a general health perspective.
But now let’s talk about athletes, youth athletes specifically.
Youth athletes are currently playing sports in an ever-increasing competitive athletic environment.
No expense will be spared when it comes to skill development.
Parents will get Jimmy any and every skills trainer under the sun to try to improve ‘that skill’. (Sadly, most don’t understand the over-prescription of skill work, often does more harm than good but that’s for another post.)
But when it comes to physical preparation for that sport, send them to the 50-person high school “weights” class, or drop them off at the $10/month globo gym?
You think reverse curling barbells from the floor in a HS weight room or bouncing 185 pounds off their chest at a globo gym is going to yield them the highest sport performance enhancing returns?
Not in a million lifetimes.
See everybody says they “want to be the best they can be” but they will pay lip service to the single most performance enhancing concept at their disposal because it’s “too expensive”.
Yes, hiring a professional coach who will ensure safety, streamline processes, hold you accountable, and guarantee results is an investment, but I assure you a Pro Coach is far less expensive than wasted time and untapped potential.
If you want to be the best you can be as an athlete in today’s world, a Professional Performance Coach isn’t a good idea. It’s required. You don’t have to understand, agree, or like it, but it’s true.
The great athletes know this. (Notice how high-level athletes have Professional S&C/Performance Coaches.)
The average athletes running around on untapped potential?
Yeah, you’ll see masses of them running around your local globo gym.