But only one of the two have the ability to positively impact the world with their impact.
“Both terrible & Great coaches have the ability to change the trajectory of our kids’ lives.
But only one of the two can enhance the quality of the world with their impact on young people.
The terrible ones “don’t think it matters that much”.
The Great ones know it’s everything.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
For the longest time growing up, I wondered why terrible coaches even existed.
And then I learned about statistics, and the depths of ego and selfishness.
By definition, the majority of coaches are average.
It’s far easier to be a terrible coach than it is to be a great coach, so by default, the next most popular coaching category is the terrible category.
Now factor in the power of the human ego and the default setting of selfishness and inject them into the highly competitive realm of coaching, where at nearly all levels money is involved…
Get your big wooden spoon out, because you’ve got one hell of a stew for subpar coaches to thrive in.
It is no secret that Coaches (and teachers), again statistically speaking, have the ability to reach and impact our youth more than any other people on the planet.
Everybody talks about the big picture in coaching, right?
They talk (often briefly) about the impact their roles play “off the field.”
And it’s true, every coach on the quality spectrum does indeed impact our kids.
But the kicker, that seems to be overlooked AFTER the potluck dinner where you tell the parents (who are paying you) and the team how much you desire to lead and impact them as productive members of society goes straight out the window.
Those great words and intentions are rarely backed up with action when you’re 2 months into the season, tired, frustrated, and “busy”.
Again, you’re making an impact on that impressionable kid and contributing to the trajectory of his or her life…
But is that impact of the utmost quality?
Is that impact positive or negative?
Does it detract from their (current & future) quality of life or does it enhance it?
Just remember, the quality of your impact, impacts the quality of our kids, and the quality of our kids (future leaders), impacts the quality of our world.
The reason it seems like the world has gone to hell in a handbasket is because most adults miss the boat when it comes to understanding how CRITICAL quality impact is.
If you’re blessed with the opportunity to impact our youth, don’t misuse your gift.
The quality of the world we live in quite literally depends on it.