Developing Kids Isn't Hard. It's Simply The Repetition Of Fundamental Processes

With tastefully increased rigor and intensity along the way.

With tastefully increased rigor and intensity along the way.

“Developing kids isn’t hard.

It just isn’t flashy.

The reason most gravitate towards the flash is because social media has disillusioned kids, parents, & ‘trainers’ to think they are more advanced than they are.

It’s all garbage.

Most just don’t know what they don’t know.”

-Ray Zingler on X

I post a lot of the same stuff.

Whether it be training related content or talking about fundamentals and development.

And the reason is because that’s exactly what development is.

Development is nothing more than consistently repeating fundamental processes and tastefully increasing rigor and intensity along the way.

But if you look at most flashy Instagram pages, you’ll see a bunch of non-compounding theater, thirsting for views.

But that’s the exact opposite of development.

And to be honest, the bullshit you see that “looks cool” often comes at the EXPENSE of our kid’s development.

This is why I have no problem posting the same stuff over and over and over. Is it going to gain me the most “followers”? Is it going to help me have the “most exciting” social media account? Of course not.

But is it going to help the kids in my gym (and folks at this stage of my career, well beyond) improve exponentially? You’re damn right. And that’s what I’m after.

But, hey bro, keep doing those ½ kneeling banded cable chops with kids who are weak as puppy piss, so you can maintain your “new age” status, but most importantly feed the algorithm (that ain’t feeding you).

I’ve always said, if we didn’t have social media, our kids would more well-rounded, better athletes.

There wouldn’t be nearly the volume of the Joneses competitions and people (if they wanted to make it) would be forced to study and learn about real development.

But we have the shit mess that is Instagram, that has screwed up not only kids and parents, but the people “leading” them, too.

I use social media in the opposite manner of how it’s “supposed to be” used.

Instead of posting timely pictures, trying to convince you how great I am or how lavish my lifestyle is, I show you who I really am.

Instead of posting the exercises and content that will “get the most views” I show you what we actually do.

And I do it every day.

It’s because if I am who I say I am, which is a developer of young people, I have no other choice.

Developing kids starts with PERSONAL ethics.

Any fool can sell out to what’s trendy.

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