Don't Bail Your Kid's Out. Teach Them To Lean In.

Teaching kids to lean into adversity will give them an edge in life nearly impossible to quantify.

Teaching kids to lean into adversity will give them an edge in life nearly impossible to quantify.

“Each time you bail your kid out of a commitment, for any reason..

Recognize you’re outwardly casting a vote & confirming their inability to develop resilience & time management skills.

Teach them not to bail out.

Teach them to lean in.

Their future success depends on it.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Everybody is “busy”, right?

Literally everybody.

A better question to ask yourself is if you’re busy doing the right things and then being absolutely sure of it.

Doing a personal time audit on your time is a great way to (magically) become less busy.

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll likely be able to buy back quite a bit of your own time, that can then be better spent performing higher value tasks.  

Elon Musk is busy.

Are you sure you’re really that busy?

Moving along.

Every second of every day, we are competing and making choices.

It may not feel like that as you lounge on the couch and scroll TikTok, but it’s true.

Every decision we do or don’t make has implications on our future selves.

“Yeah, but what do you mean ‘competing’?”

If there are limited resources out there, from starting positions on the team to executive positions in your organization, how you act and spend your time can have direct implications on the attainment of your desires.

If you want ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is required and you choose to do to ‘Z’ (nothing) and somebody else out there (that you may not see beyond your TikTok screen) wants ‘X’ and does ‘Y’ to get ‘X’, he wins and you lose.

That’s how it works.

Life is a culmination of micro decisions that eventually compound into macro results (or lack thereof).

What happens is, is the winners know this. They sell out on all the micro, seemingly ‘small’ details that the losers overlook, and then eventually win because of it.

And then what happens?

The losers blame their lack of results/success on the world being unfair and then bitch about how the winners “have it so easy”.

And then the cycle simply rinses and repeats itself.

And guess what?

The winners always win and the winners always lose.

If you want to give your kids a chance to win. Don’t bail them out. Encourage them to lean in.

In a world where so many “cool” parents are bailing their kids out and sheltering them from any resemblance of friction in their lives, simply having your kids practice endurance within adversity will give them an edge in life nearly impossible to quantify.

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