Good Friday Is Selflessness Defined

He paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.

He paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.

“He paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.

He was willingly mocked, beaten, spat on, & violently nailed to two pieces of wood, where he was left to die.


All because He couldn’t stand the idea of Heaven without me or without you.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I’m sure by now in 2023 this post will likely be ‘flagged as inappropriate’ or at the very least, washed out in the algorithm.

If it is seen there will be people who unfollow me/ridicule me because of my Faith.

Mind you, my Faith that has no bearing on how anyone chooses to lead and live their own lives.

Jesus had to carry His Cross up a hill to Calvary to be nailed to it while he waited to expire. It is Finished is what he said before committing His spirit to His Father in Heaven.

The stakes are a lot less serious for me.

What is the worst that will come from me sharing the gospel? The gospel that as a Christian, is my duty to share.

Somebody saying I’m an idiot and potentially an adult with a cartoon profile picture hiding their identity, unfollowing me?

I’ll take my stand.

At the very root of what I am doing with my life and in my vocation, I am trying to emulate Jesus.

Of course, I will never come anywhere close to who He is, but my objective with His spirit alive in me, is to be a little more like Him, and a little less like me.

Of course I’m not perfect. Of course I screw up. Of course I fall short of the expectations, but that is the beauty of grace.

Jesus bore the weight of my sins (and yours, too.) so that I don’t have to be perfect. So I can make mistakes and still receive grace.

Grace that mind you is completely free for all who come to and accept Him.

What a gift.

And no, my objective isn’t to convince anyone to become a Christian with a social media post you have probably stopped reading by now, but regardless of your stance on Faith (I love and respect you either way) take a look at the sentiment of selflessness.

This world would be a far better place if we, as a people, passed on the default setting of selfishness and replaced it with selflessness.

Jesus, who was nailed to the cross on Good Friday, to secure my seat in Heaven is my driving force.

I hope He is yours, too.

If not, find yours.

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