If You Want To Be A Better Athlete, Train Like An Athlete.

Here is why the majority of teens "training" don't see it translate.

Here is why the majority of teens “training” don’t see it translate.


‘Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Legs!’

‘Chest/Tris, Back/Bis…’

Ain’t it.


Explosive Jumps, Hard Sprints, Compound Strength, Posterior Chain, Trunk, Single Leg/Arm, Loaded Carries, etc.

You don’t train for strength & athletic performance with bro splits.”

-Ray Zingler on X

“So like my (sport) coach told me I should chest and tris on one day, and then like back and bi’s on the next day..”

“I saw on TikTok this arm blaster superset..”

I hear this stuff every single day.

The old school Arnold-Age templates.

I’m not implying that there isn’t efficacy to the bodybuilding style templates and I’ll be the first to admit, I trained this way (when my sport days were over) for a period of time.

Despite this style of training being sufficient (there are gaps in it) for bodybuilders and average bros, this is NOT how athletes should be training.

However, this is exactly how many athletes who are “training” at the local fitness center are training (randomly moving limbs).


Because their favorite bro on tiktok told them this is how to gain mass!

We need so much training education placed on all of our members of society, especially our youth, which is why I write every day.

If any kids are reading this, or adults to help their kids, you don’t “gain mass” with the types of exercises you choose to do.

You gain mass by ingesting large volumes of calories and protein.

Contrary to popular belief, when you’re in the gym, you’re actually making yourself “worse”. You’re damaging tissues. They only get the chance to improve outside the gym if you’re eating and resting enough.

Because our kids generally aren’t eating enough, 20-30 “sets of 10” via bodybuilding style training is not only not going to make them any better at sports, it’s far too much tissue damage given the fact they aren’t consuming enough calories to justify the volume.

This is why less can very often be more.

It’s important for young athletes, hell all athletes, to recognize not what “looks cool” or “what their bro’s are doing” in the big box gym, but what they actually need.

If it’s strength, speed, power, and physical resilience (it is) then we must be training in a way that will help improve these qualities.

This often constitutes for training prescriptions that lack the sex appeal that Cbum is telling you to do (he doesn’t even do that template he’s selling.)

If you’re an athlete, train like an athlete.

You can do the Bro nonsense when your playing days are over.

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