If You Want To Be The Best You Can Be, You Don't Get To Act Like Everybody Else.

"It takes what it takes." -Nick Saban

“It takes what it takes.” -Nick Saban

“This was a Friday schedule of one of my 9th grade female athletes:

5:30am – Lax Practice

8:30am – 3:30pm – School

4pm – Strength & Conditioning

7pm – Lax Lesson

There are grown men who won’t do 30 minutes of cardio.

And when this girl wins in sport & life, most will assume she got lucky.”

-Ray Zingler on X

I tell you what, some of the “kids these days..” fire me the hell up.

In a day and age where everybody likes to talk about how kids these days are going soft, I can promise you there are a select few who are most definitely not.

When she showed up to my gym, on a Friday after school when most of her friends had already started their weekends, she wasn’t tired, down, negative, none of it. She was excited to be there.

I asked her what she had going on this weekend, and she said she had a lax skills session and then she’d be back with me on Sunday for training.

Assuming her lax session was Saturday, I asked, “what time’s lax?”

She replied, “7.”

I’m thinking well hell, 7am or pm on a Saturday is crazy dedication regardless of how you look at it.

Then I asked her, “Well, what do you have going on tonight?”

Anddd, if you knew this girl, the look she gave me was subtle, but hilarious.

“I just told you I have lax at 7.”


“Yep. Now what do you want me to get started with?” (With her work out.)

The girl, who is a freshman in high school started her day at 5am and didn’t finish it until after 8pm.

I know her parents damn well and they are some of the highest quality people you’ll ever come across.

This wasn’t forced on her.

I can assure you, while supported by her incredible parents, this type of commitment was on her own accord.

“That’s crazy!”

“That’s too much!”

“She’s going to burn out!”

3 phrases that are regularly said by the most mediocre people of all time.

It’s not too much.

Maybe for you it is, but not for her.

Not when you’re on the mission she’s on to be the best that she can be.

You see, what you consider “extra” is her bare minimum.

And you think you’re “too busy” as it is.

When she surpasses you not only in sports, but life, you’ll look at her and assume she just got lucky.

It will forever be this breed of kid who I am after at Zingler Strength.

Love on these kids.

They are a dying breed.

Hammers Only.

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