If You "Want To Play In College" Read This

Cute words will never beat tangible action.

Cute words will never beat tangible action.

“I want to play in college!”

“Are you training and preparing your body like a college athlete?”

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“No, I don’t have time.”

College Athletics Year Outlook —

Training: 12 Months/Year

Season: ~4 Months/Year

If you want to make it to the next level, you have to act like it.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I find it a bit concerning how far removed most people are from the realities of making it to college or next level athletics.

People will tell you all day long about their dreams and aspirations (which I think are fantastic) but then when it comes to aligning their actions with their desires there is (massive) glitch in the system.

You can claim that you want something all day long, but if your physical actions don’t defend your audible words, your words carry no weight. In fact, they are nothing more than meaningless jargon.

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is that if you want something, act like already have it.

Make it apart of your identity. This will drastically increase the likelihood of you achieving what it is you set out to achieve.

You’ll see that your goals transition from wishful thinking to expectations.

Those who make it to the top don’t fall there.

They defend their desires with their actions and BELIEVE they will get there.

If you’re a high school athlete and you want to play in college, let me just put it to you bluntly:

The physical playing of your sport is the DESSERT. You get to experience it less than 25% of the time during your calendar year.

You might refer to your sport being a “full-time job” now, but most people are just (over) exposing themselves to heighted levels of dessert.

But when/if you make it to college, your full-time job is not putting on your jersey and playing games. You only get to do that 1/3 of the year (if you’re lucky).

No, your full-time job, 12 months a year, every year, is training, eating, resting, taking care of your body, learning, and growing.

It’s the vegetables, not the dessert that consumes all your time.

So if you really want it, like truly want it, your actions best start reflecting your desires, because when money/mommy/daddy ball is over, you’ll be in for a rude awakening when the landscape shifts on you 360 degrees.

Take a look at the people who are in the shoes you one day want to be in?

You think they aren’t busting their asses training 12 months a year?

They are.

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