Most People Aren't Too Busy

They just love the cloak of comfort that shields them from discipline, personal responsibility, and time management.

They just love the cloak of comfort that shields them from discipline, personal responsibility, and time management.

“There is literally northing easier in the world than quitting something that has value when you’re faced with friction.

You’re trading 2 positives (value & resilience) for an innumerable amount of negatives via opportunity cost.

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Don’t bail out.

Lean in.

It pays.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

In my 32 laps around the sun, I’ve not gotten much smarter, but I have gotten progressively less dumb.

One truth that I have in fact found (and affirmed over the years) is that the commoner will search for excuses to justify why he or she “can’t”.

It’s almost like there is this level of excitement to trade one thing for another regardless of the value of what we’re letting go of because this “new” thing is compromising our time.

And by compromising our time, I mean, allowing us to justify a lack of personal responsibility, time management, and minimal sacrifice.

But what if we slowed down?

What if we stopped acting on our immediate, emotionally charged reactions and actually took the time to think about things?

What if instead of covering ourselves with the warm blanket of “I’m too busy” to justify our lack of effort, we actually took the time think things through?

I think we’d find that, yes, we are in fact busy, but not so busy that we just have to let go of important obligations when new obligations begin to be added to our plate.

If you think you’re too busy, take a look at your cell phone use statistics. That right there alone, cuts my “too busy” bullshit excuse at the top of the rope.

After that check your tv/gaming/streaming, & etc. time? Are you still too busy? Are you sure?

Another important note, if you’re choosing not to do something that has value because it’s (often marginally) inconvenient, you’re not too busy.

You’re simply outwardly saying, though this has value, I don’t have the discipline to infringe on my comfort to maintain what is important.

And this my friends is why it is so painfully easy to gain an edge on people.

The vast majority will just stop the millisecond the perception of “too much” enters their brain. Hang it up. Quit. Can’t do this.

If you simply act like an adult, understand the concept of value, and make minor adjustments to your schedule, you can get so far ahead of people that it’s not even funny.

When you get busy, don’t run away from value, lean into that sh*t.

It pays unfathomably well.  

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