Most "Performance Coaches" Out There Are Overflowing Your Kids' Already Full Buckets.

Performance Training doesn't entail what you (or even his "coach") think it does.

Performance Training doesn’t entail what you (or even his “coach”) think it does.

“The objective of a Performance Coach is to fill empty buckets.

Not overflow full buckets, prescribing ‘what you like’.

Many like to call themselves performance coaches, but prescribe what kid are already doing too much of, which doesn’t positively impact performance at all.”

-Ray Zingler on X

Everybody and their brothers want to be “Sports Performance” Coaches these days.

It’s cool.

And better yet, it’s easy.

In most States in America, there is zero, let me repeat ZERO qualification required to be a sports performance coach or personal trainer.

That kid in HS who liked to play his sport, can go off to college, drink beer for 4 years, move back home, and then wake up one morning and decide he’s going to be an “elite” sports performance coach.

And to take it a step further, he can drive right over to public field space he didn’t pay for, lather the floor with cones and objects, and start “training” people and drawing a wage from it.

For the record, I use public facilities from time to time, but I sure as shit don’t charge anyone when I am using them, and I most definitely sponsor significant funds into the public institutions I may be using.

No leech here.

But what a country in which we live, lol!

The embarrassing part is that people actually buy this stuff without verifying anything.

My kid lacrosse. I see lacrosse trainer. Buy lacrosse lesson. Work good hopefully.

I mean it’s caveman shit.

The problem goes much deeper than the wal-mart brand trainers and naïve parents, though.

Sports performance enhancement isn’t what you think it is.

It’s not just doing “more” of what you’re already doing too much of. That’s counterproductive.

The objective of sports performance training is to fill empty buckets, not overflow full ones, doing the only thing Bro trainer Billy knows anything about.

“Well, they’re playing an extreme volume of <insert sport> and well, I like that sport, so let me just market myself as a performance coach for that sport so I can sell them what they’re already doing too much of. Hell yeah!”

That ain’t performance training.

That’s theft.

Anytime you see a sports specific coach (charlatan) marketing sport specific training..

Ask yourself:

Is my kid covering ALL the athletic bases to enhance his performance?

Is his strength, speed, & general athlete training, prioritized and on lock?

If it’s not the only thing the specific training is going to do is drain your bank account and your kid’s potential.

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