But hard work must be and adhere to these 3 guidelines:
“My favorite thing in the world is effort;.
I am a junkie for voluntary struggle.
But as much as I love doing hard things, I know hard training must be calculated.
My ‘Big 3’ Training Prescription Guidelines:
Give more than takes.”
-Ray Zingler on X
I understand writing on the internet comes with people casting judgement and formulating opinions about me (and anyone else who creates or shares anything) that or may not be true.
And while this can admittedly be uncomfortable at first, when you weigh out the options of: living fearfully on the sidelines shieled from judgment or being a creator who subjects him or herself to criticism, in my opinion there is but one choice.
And that is to create.
Especially if we want to impact the lives of others, which is why I believe we are on this earth.
It’s not what you’ve got. It’s what they get.
Recognizing the many people following me, don’t know me personally, I try to project myself as authentically as I possibly can.
I am a blue-collar guy who is working every day to better develop a white collar mind.
I run with a small circle and only associate myself with doers.
If people don’t create value with calloused hands and sharp minds, I aint’ gonna be around them.
I like creators, problem solvers, skilled laborers, people who take an immense amount of pride in their crafts, and prepared people who are self-sustainable and capable of violence to protect those they love at a moment’s notice.
No offense to the country club type and people who wear shirts with collars around their necks every day.. but that aint me or my kind. Nor are those with riddled with excuses or idle hands.
And the reason is because I have a love affair with effort.
I love hard work.
And I love people who work hard.
And not “every now and then” but people who have the construct of hard work engrained into their DNA.
There aren’t many, but there are a few 7 day per week hammer swingers and plow pushers out there, and there is something different about those people that normal people could never understand.
I think this post was supposed to be about calculated effort, but my mind just went, so I’ll wrap it up with this:
Calculated effort IS king.
Make sure it’s valuable, repeatable, and it gives more than it takes.
But most importantly, stay working.