Strong Leaders must continue to walk INTO the fire of our broken culture.
“Kid’s need leaders.
Real leaders.
This requires strong men and women to go against the grain. To walk INTO, not away from the fire of our backward, divisive culture.
There is no merit in silence or conformity.
If you don’t take the hear, who will?
Their futures hinge on it.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Leadership is something that I value and prioritize very much in my life.
The reason I do so is because I had several great leaders in my life growing up who played integral roles in shaping the man I am today as well as the man I am growing into.
These were leaders. Real leaders. Leaders who didn’t try to be my friend or try to tell me what I wanted to hear, but leaders who shared real truths and life lessons with me. Oftentimes against the grain of modern conventional wisdom.
Their value in my life not only compounded over time, but it is still compounding today and I am eternally grateful for it.
I recognize in the “new state” of the world, we are operating within the confines of a different landscape.
Where people are not looking out for the best interests of others, but for loopholes to be able to exploit them.
Instead of looking for the best in others and searching for the positives, society has conditioned us to look for the worst in others.
“What (perceived) negatives can I find (that aren’t true) so that I can use some false banter to attack someone who is actually making a difference?”
It’s a damn shame because it’s not the adults who lose when our kids suffer from a lack of real leadership, guidance, and discipline.
It’s the kids who lose.
It’s the kids who grow up perceiving anything and everything under the sun to be “acceptable” and even if you “don’t win” you can “identify as a winner” because “the world owes me, anyway.”
This isn’t a political post.
I am about as smack dab in the middle as you can be as I know there are absolute crazies on both ends of the spectrum.
This is a real life, post.
Our kids are seriously growing up thinking and believing everything will be handed to them.
And this might be fine if this narrative were true, but it isn’t.
They only want our kids to believe this so they can grow up dependent.
Strong, capable adults must continue to walk INTO the fire of our broken culture.
There is no merit in silence.
Our kids’ lives depend on our action.
Take the heat with pride.