People Who Don't Care About Our Kids Development Push "More" Not Because It's Right, But Because It Pays Better

The adult greed comes at the expense of our children's development & potential.

The adult greed comes at the expense of our children’s development & potential.

“In youth athletics, people who could care less about our kids development push them to jump to more because ‘more is better’.

But it’s wrong.

More is not better, it’s just more.

Better is better.

Better requires you to prioritize general development to fund specific demands.”

-Ray Zingler on X

The only reason they push more on you & your kids is so THEY can make more money.

It’s not about what’s best for them or what’s most effective. Not even close.

If it was, we’d be using a youth sports model that is backed by the abundance data & research with proven modalities to enhance development and sports performance.

But again, it’s not about that.

It’s “How can we use FOMO to line our pockets 12 months a year?”

And all the charlatans have to do is tether with your biggest emotional lever, your kids, to get what they’re after.

As long as their $100,000 Ford Raptor at 13% for 80 months, monthly payment is PIF, who the hell cares about what’s best for Jimmy.

But here’s the truth:

More is not better.

Only better is better.

Just as there are points of diminishing return in EVERY OTHER facet of life, the same is true for youth sports.

Even if Jimmy’s coach is telling you otherwise.

We are living in an era where our kids have extraordinarily low levels of general preparedness.

The reason is because we’ve cooked it out of their lifestyles and instead, tried to infuse them with an abundance of specificity.

We’re trying to install custom light fixtures in a house that hasn’t even had a permit pulled to pour the concrete foundation.

It’s seriously that bad.

But we don’t care because “Everybody else is doing it.”

And when we follow what everyone else is doing, guess what happens?

The outliers, who can get away with or without anything “make it” and the 99% get the same result, which is, never coming to close to even earning the opportunity to sniff the ceiling of their potential.

Living in the extreme ranges is a recipe for disaster.

What we need are sufficient doses of global prescriptions.

And in today’s world where specificity is high and general prep is low, what do you think the best script is?

The answer is child-like simple, but we ignore it.

General preparedness funds specific demands.

This is true whether Coach Joe Bro Specific tells you or not.

If you want what’s best for your kids, adjust your behavior accordingly.

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