Perfect Days Are Impossible, But You Can Win Every Day.

Success & fulfillment is on the other side of establishing & accomplishing your daily non-negotiables.

Success & fulfillment is on the other side of establishing & accomplishing your daily non-negotiables.






These are my 5 Professional Non-Negotiables I prioritize to ensure I win each day.

A winning day isn’t a perfect day, not even close.

But controlling & winning the controllables day after day compounds like nothing else.”

-Ray Zingler on X

There are endless articles written on how to create the perfect day. There are even books written on the subject.

I’ve briefly read over some of them and always get a kick out of the fairy tale principles covered in each of them.

The reason the perfect day is impossible is because the majority of what happens to or around us is uncontrollable, if you live and operate within the real world.

This is especially true if you own and operate businesses with many moving parts. And then add 3 children under the age of 5 living in your house, 6 dogs, a litter of puppies, a flock of chickens, a turtle, and a few barn cats.

Most of my wife & I’s days are spent putting out uncontrollable fires and cleaning up messes from buttholes, literally.

Because I know that I don’t have the power to create the perfect day, I choose to focus on ‘winning’ each day and a day isn’t required to be perfect to win it.

I wish kids and even some unreasonable adults could understand this concept to, but many will fly off the handle the second something doesn’t go their way.

Over the years, I have found what is required for me personally to win my days (personally & professionally speaking – there is a different and more important subset of non-negotiables when it comes to my family).

I must read, study, write, train, and work (deeply) each day. Sunday to Sunday. No misses.

Now while you might think this seems a bit unreasonable to accomplish every day, I’ll explain why it’s not.

I’m not hitting home runs every single day, in fact I’m purposely only trying to hit consistent singles.

Are some of my days 5 daily non negotiables better than others? Have higher outputs? Of course.

I may have an earth-shattering work out one day, but the next day, go for a 10-minute walk.

But regardless of what the day presents I hit my 5 daily’s in whatever capacity I have that day.

And when you ‘win’ a bunch of days in a row, good things happen to your self-image and consequently your outputs.

Establish your daily non-negotiables and never miss.

You owe it to yourself.

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