Yet society is still conditioning our kids to think and act like everybody else.
“Hard work is a premium in today’s world.
Most people don’t have the capacity to do it.
They don’t even know how to.
In today’s world, which is a world of abundance, the simple act of consistently working hard will distance you from the pack unlike anything else.”
-Ray Zingler on X
We’ve gotten so “advanced” in today’s world, we’ve forgot about the importance of physically working hard.
“We ain’t gotta do that anymore, Ray, we live in a technology driven world!”
Oh? Is that right?
So, if everybody and their brother goes this “new age” route of tech, and everybody quits doing the physically hard shit, what happens?
Outside of our people becoming unhealthy and incapable, the tech world has an influx of people whose value becomes less valuable because their skills, while “advanced” are undifferentiated from the millions of others who know their way around a computer.
But then what happens to the value of the mechanics, landscapers, and welders?
It goes up.
Notice why your oil change costs more than it ever has?
Sure, it has something to do with inflation, but the real reason is because the number of skilled laborers who have the ability to perform the jobs that you’re unwilling to do has gone down.
And what does this do, economically?
It increases their value. Immensely.
And at the rate our world is going, their value is only going to increase even further.
And nothing makes me happier for that future HVAC tech who is willing to ignore the bullshit the “college prep” school is shoving down his throat.
I sat down and tried to think of all the opportunities that come with the simple act of working hard, and the volume was too much for my brain to handle.
From pressure washing to gutters, to windows, to landscaping and the THOUSANDS of other blue-collar jobs in between, it’s literally impossible to fail in the modern world, if you simply work hard.
But why do so many continue to fail in the “land of abundance of opportunity?”
The answer is very simple.
They don’t have the capacity to work hard.
They don’t know how to do it.
And they don’t have direct access to someone who can show them the way.
Just look. It’s clear.
If you can find someone to teach you how to work hard and then you consistently practice the construct, you’ll find that hard work is the biggest differentiator in the modern world that is demonizing it.
Hard work, works better than it ever has.