If you want to improve speed & agility, you need to be on a planned, progressive, and proven strength & sprint program.
“If improving S&A was as comically east as doing random drills around cones & hoops, everybody would be fast.
But there are (layers of) reasons why that stuff doesn’t work.
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
You have to pay to gain access to speed.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Here’s an insider tip:
Instead of taking your kid to “speed & agility” class where a trainer has them go through an assortment of random drills that yield random (nonexistent) results..
You can buy all those gadgets for less than the price of a single session at Dicks and do them in your backyard for free.
And to be completely honest with you, the lack of “instruction” (which is really just random yelling) would be better for their athletic development because the creation of their own drills (free play) drives developmental adaptation all while their bodies are naturally adjusting and self-organizing (what actually happens in sport) to their creations.
When you drop your kid off at the “speed box”, recognize those coaches (adults who call themselves coach) aren’t using any methods. There is no science. There is no progressive model. There is nothing to validate any of it. It’s a random assortment of drills they make up 5 minutes before they get to work that day and then they just rinse & repeat. After an hour, your kid gets in the car sweaty & tired and you assume that it worked. But it didn’t.
Speed & Agility (as we know it) is the cheapest, easiest thing in the world to do. That’s why our industry is littered with charlatans who are (trying to) feast on the low hanging fruit.
There is nobody holding them accountable.
Not even themselves.
$100 for some cones, ladders, & mini hurdles and a couple minutes to make an Instagram page and, “You on, bruh.”
The (perceived) model of speed & agility is not the best form of training for athletes, but if you insist on doing it, do it on your own, the results will still be minimal, but will be better than the nonsense you get from your local bro.
If you really want speed and agility, you must pay for it.
You must earn it.
And if it was as easy as dancing around gadgets with 100 other slow kids doing the same thing, I’d be prescribing it, too.
But that’s the money model, not the performance model.
If you want to enhance speed & agility, choose a tested and proven strength & speed program.