Provide them anyway.
“In a broken world that undervalues Competence, Authenticity, Leadership, Selflessness, and Quality, provide it anyway.
The masses are playing the width game with surface level people.
A select few are playing the depth game with those in search of real value.
Serve them ^.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
We live in a world where most people are thirsting for instant gratification.
This is true from speed climbing the ladder in careers to chasing and consuming dopamine double tap snacks on the internet.
You’re in your first 6 months and haven’t provided any real tangible value yet, but you want the same wages as the man who has busted his ass for 20 years?
A highly educational, context rich social post about personal growth and development? Nah, shove that to the side to make room for commercial gym meme videos.
It’s sad that most players in the game (life) are surface level players, but how could it be any different? Society has created this. Just look around.
We have cookie cutter housing developments on quarter-acre lots, yet we’ve never been further distanced from each other because of our wifi signal.
I’m not hating on wifi, but personal touch, in-person communication, and physical impact are becoming things of the past for most. Why immerse oneself when they can just compare themselves to others on their phones in their bedrooms?
I realize it’s much easier (and it works) to play the surface level game, but why contribute to the problem?
Just because the majority of society largely under appreciates and undervalues competence, authenticity, selflessness, and quality, doesn’t mean there aren’t a select few who still crave it.
There are. And the biggest change I’ve made in my life over the last decade has been intentionality on serving them.
Trust me, I understand I’m hamstringing my reach potential from the start. I realize I’m drawing from a smaller resource reservoir, but the reason I will not stop playing small ball is because I have found there is so much more (real) value in depth than there is width.
I would so much rather spend my time, speaking, educating, mentoring, and loving on a smaller group of people who are craving real growth than project a bunch of undifferentiated common knowledge to the masses, affirming what they already know to be true.
The only reason I am where I am and going where I am going is because of the people in my life who went deep with me, who got OFF the surface. Who focused on depth.
I aim to do the same.