Regardless Of The Extent Of Ones Athletic Pursuit, The Strength Coach Is Still The Best Investment

They will help yield an unquantifiable amount of compounding value.

They will help yield an unquantifiable amount of compounding value.

“Whether or not you want to play college athletics, one of the best investments anyone can make is in a Strength Coach.

They will prepare you for the demands of the next level or help you build a disciplined road map that will contribute to the quality of the rest of your life.”

-Ray Zingler on X

It started several years ago when the social media recruiting photoshoot scene started encouraging the “D1 or bust!” mentality in our kids.

Kids stopped loving sports as much and really started to fall in love with the clout associated with recruiting. This is especially true for football.

We traded in many ways, “love of the game” for “love of the pursuit of chasing the biggest logo.”

And then you add the transfer portal to the mix and our kids quickly found out the lack of value found in chasing the biggest logo.

Yet, if that kid gets a late offer from LSU because of a dismissal or a decommitment, he’s still headed to Baton Rouge to dance on a shiny wheel covered in LEDs with Brian Kelly before he transfers to where he should have gone all along, 10 months later.

The point I’m making is that we have gotten so far away from the real value of athletics.

We convinced many kids that if they “don’t want to play in college” that the idea of athletics and giving you’re very best is so how unvaluable.

“Oh, she kind of checked out a bit, once she decided she really didn’t want to play in college.”


What does it matter that she wants to play in college or not? Should we still not encourage and motivate her to get the very most out of her high school experience so that she can leverage the value from what has the potential to be our youth’s greatest teacher?

Therefore whenever I get a parent who reaches out to me about training who feels the need to share with me that their child has no desire to play in college, I tell them how great of a fit our program will be for them.

“Perfect, we will do everything we can to help them excel in sport now to maximize their experience, but place an even larger emphasis on helping them learn and develop a positive association with fitness so that they can take what they learn from us with them.”

Sports a great, but sports age out.

The concept of exercise, health, and wellness does not. It’s needed forever.

The strength coach knows and will show them the way.

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