You’re not making them better, you’re making them hate you.
“Running kids into the ground at practice translated:
(I domino really know how to improve your performance or mental toughness, but as long as we do what we’ve always done, despite it being wrong, my fragile egos need to assert my dominance over you will be met.)
‘On the line!’”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
As Spring Seasons come into full swing, Coaches everywhere in a town near you will look in the mirrors before heading out to the field, packed full of vigor, but packed light (empty) on knowledge when it comes to “conditioning” their players.
(No, I’m not speaking in absolutes there are definitely people out there who do it right, just an overwhelming majority who don’t.)
There is nothing like “setting the tone” (instilling fear), by trying to be a Billy Badass to 12-18 year old’s, asking them to do what they aren’t prepared to do, all so you can stand on your soap box and yell at them.
Guess who’s job it was to 1) ensure they are prepared and 2) Build them up (not burn them down.)
Yeah, the Coach’s.
So anytime you take a team full of kids regardless of sport and run them into the ground, you’re essentially reflecting how poorly of a job YOU (Coach) did to prepare them for what you’re asking them to do and at the same time, you’re stirring up bitterness in their hearts towards you.
So what you think is “building the culture” and showcasing your desire to have “high expectations” is actually making them worse and making them hate you.
Congrats! Heres your Gold Ego Star.
Crash course conditioning is an awful idea for a variety of reasons, but here are 3:
1) Using Exercise as punishment builds negative associations.
2) Using Exercise that doesn’t translate to Sporting demands detracts from performance in sport.
3) Post-Practice Conditioning increases risk of injury because you’re asking for maximal effort in a fatigued state.
Let’s make kid’s hate the idea of training, make them really good at running slow (when speed kills, remember), and to put the cherry on top, let’s risk popping a hammy all to prove a point.
Oh yeah, and those are just the physical detriments.
If you’re so adamant about “conditioning” than lead by example and take the time to build them up during the offseason.
Don’t just blow it off and then use your “power” to try to play the long game, short.
It’s a lose lose situation regardless of how you look at it.
Learn how to do it right or get out of their way.