From performance to confidence to physical literacy, the Strength Coach changes lives.
“Most parents don’t trust their kids to take the trash to the curb, but..
They trust them to study & learn anatomy, physiology, energy system demands of sport, progressive programming models, & proper exercise selections to elicit favorable adaptations?
Hire a Strength Coach.”
-Ray Zingler on X
It used to be the craziest thing to me that parents would hire every <insert specific coach> under the sun for their kids (most of whom aren’t at all needed) without batting an eye, but when it comes to the most important, foundational resource for all athletic performance/preparation…
“They can do it in on their own at <insert globo gym>” or, my favorite, “we have a weight set in the basement.”
But now I understand completely why this is the case for most parents.
It’s because they don’t want to invest in what they don’t understand the value of.
Squats & Rows? Those don’t look like sports, plus he can do that on his own or with his buddies.
Assuming that this is the depth of strength & conditioning would be akin to downloading the Robinhood app, and just shutting your eyes and throwing money at random stocks and then calling yourself an investor.
Much like it would be wise to hire a finance professional to help you with highly important financial securities that you may not understand (I know I don’t, which is why I have a financial team) the same is true about strength & conditioning.
Just because one does not understand how it works or its importance does not in any way decrease its value.
Just like our kids need coaches in sports and teachers in school, they need coaches in the weight room.
And simply having some guy write a few exercises on a white board for 50+ kids to do, while he yells in between sets of playing on his phone, isn’t coaching. In fact, it’s the exact opposite.
Do you think your kid is doing the proper exercises, with the proper weights, set, rep, & rest schemes on his own at LA Fitness? Of course he’s not. He’s chasing a chest pump in an effort to build the confidence to get that girl over there’s snapchat because he’s afraid to talk to her in person. (This is why we mentor athletes in conjunction with coaching them, lol.)
Strength & Conditioning is the most valuable resource for our kids improved athletic performance, confidence, & physical literacy that can impact & positively change the trajectory of their lives forever.
Don’t go cheap on the lowest hanging fruit.