Quality attracts Quality, cheap attracts cheap.
“You have 2 types of people:
Those looking to invest in & leverage value.
Those who shop price, trying to save a buck (at the expense of value).
Obviously Camp 2 is far larger than Camp 1, but if you offer something of value, Camp 1 will always be your people.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Most wouldn’t understand the concept of value if it hit them in the face.
In fact, most don’t even understand the fundamental difference between an investment and an expense.
And even crazier is those who don’t understand the concept of value, will often confuse investments with expenses and expenses with investments.
This is why people will have the latest iPhone, but tell you hiring a coach is too expensive.
We sell our people what looks to be cheap and convenient on the front end, so we can enslave them on the back end.
Economically speaking, “the man” has the commoner fooled into oblivion, but why wouldn’t they want it that way?
With financial literacy and a more disciplined Populus, the consumer debt crisis wouldn’t exist.
And if the consumer debt crisis didn’t exist, how could they maintain the power over an independent people?
So, you’re damn right you can do that 84-month loan at 14%. You DESERVE that F-150, Bart.
Back on track.
Here is just how it is: If you’re selling something of value, and valuable things aren’t cheap, (what most people want) the subset of people you’re going to be able to sell to is invariably going to be smaller.
But this actually a good thing.
The reason this is a good thing is because despite most folks are shopping price trying to save a buck, there are people who are looking to invest in & leverage value (and returns).
And because these two camps do in fact exist, you can aim directly at value seekers with your quality product.
I learned this lesson the hard way.
After I got my bearings and really started gaining traction in my business, I was trying to sell to all people.
I would work my tail off to explain and defend the value, offer every little cookie I could to try to convince them to try us out and it still was never enough.
I learned it was because I was trying to sell quality to cheap. That never works.
But then when I started selling quality to quality, my headaches lessened.
I found my lane of people and now I focus solely on serving them.
Quality attracts Quality.
cheap attracts cheap.