The Youth Training Industry Is Littered With Snake Oil Salesman

The bro's value the dollar over development simply because they can.

The bro’s value the dollar over development simply because they can.

“Just because you can fool naive people into doing it, while lining your pockets with development robbing dollars doesn’t make it right.

I get making a living.

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I just get ethics and developing people correctly, a lot more.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

The Youth Training Industry is quite literally the Wild West.

The most fundamental difference though, is that instead of the minority being snake oil salesman, the majority are.

The reason our industry is so littered with garbage is layered, but it boils down to 3 major reasons.

1)  The consumers don’t know right from wrong or what to look for.

2)  The “trainers” play to flawed perceptions of the unknowing consumers.

3)  There is no governing body that regulates trainers/coaches.

In summary, we have consumers who don’t know what they don’t know, buying a product from unregulated trainers who don’t know what they don’t know, while both use the same misguided perceptions to affirm what they both don’t know, but (falsely) believe to be true.

Talk about a recipe for disaster, that instead we label “the grind” and post on social media to fool others into believing we are “gettin’ dat work.”

I know what it will take to fix it, but I also know that because money and egos are involved, it won’t be fixed, not any time soon, at least.

The solution is simple:

1)  Consumers doing the most basic, fundamental vetting of “trainers” and 2) Integrity from said trainer/coach.

But this won’t happen. Why?

1)  Because we are “too busy” to do our homework and 2) why work at becoming credible when it’s not required and the money is so easy?

The good ‘ol American way, baby!

For a long time, I wondered how these people slept at night, knowing that what they are doing isn’t actually tangibly helping people, and in many ways detracting from our youth’s development.

But then I came to understand they don’t even know what they are doing isn’t working. Again, they don’t know what they don’t know.

These bros on every street corner are fueled by their egos and likes on social media. They believe that because they are (outwardly) well intentioned and likable that their lack of (unknowing) quality work is justified.

When is enough, enough? When will we do away with the smoke, mirrors, & charades?

Start today.

Simple questions and simple research will do the trick.

Until then, our kids and parents will continue to be manipulated.

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