There Is No Greater Expense In The World Than The Misuse Of Time.

Investing in the aid of professionals will always yield higher returns than winging it.

Investing in the aid of professionals will always yield higher returns than winging it.

“Going to a gym & being coached by a Professional are bot the same.

One often expenses time & the other maximizes it.

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Our greatest resource is not money, but time.

Time is finite, money is renewable.

Be a great steward of your time.

It’s expensive and you can’t et get it back.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I have believed and unfortunately continue to (increasingly) believe that the majority of people don’t understand the fundamental difference between an investment and an expense.

It’s quite simply one of the most important concepts that contributes to our overall well-being in life.

But, we still have (masses of) people with the latest iPhone and pair of sneakers running through fast-food joints on the daily who will tell you that eating healthy and hiring a coach are “too expensive”.

Understanding the depths of the psychological aspect behind why people are like this is above my pay grade, but it is abundantly clear that masses of people don’t have the whole Investment vs. Expense concept down.

“Yeah, but Ray your priorities are your priorities and theirs are theirs!”

You’re 100% right, but just because something is or isn’t prioritized doesn’t change the difference between it being an investment or an expense.

You can prioritize over paying for a really cool looking jetski because you love the way it looks, but it’ll never be a great investment.

Moving along.

Time and Health.

There are no more important resources in our lives that are worthy of making RICH investments in than time and health.

“Family & Friends” you’d argue? Guess what you need to (authentically) invest in your family and friends? If you guessed time and health, here’s your gold star.

Because time and health are so vitally important to our lives, it is absolutely essential that we be wonderful stewards of them.

In order to be great stewards of the above, we must first and foremost practice self-awareness. We must understand how important these concepts truly are to our lives.

From there, we have to invest in them.

Investing simply means pouring resources into something on the front end so that we can gain a quality return on the back end.

For those curious of what an expense is, it’s the idea of pouring resources into something on the front end that you don’t get a quality return in on the back end. (Over consumption of fast food, spending your wheels in a gym, etc.)

There is nothing more important than INVESTING in your time & health.

The quality of your life quite literally depends on it.

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