Tight Ships Are Often The Most Successful Ones.

It's rarely about quantity, always about quality.

It’s rarely about quantity, always about quality.

“A few people who are all-in is far better than many people who lack commitment.

Time spent trying to cater to those dancing around the concept of commitment is theft from serving those who are all-in.

Run a tight ship.

The right people will appreciate you & get on board.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I don’t pride myself on many things, but I do pride myself on running with a small circle.

It’s not that I am anti-social or dislike people, I can tell you right away those would be two horrible traits for any business owner, but I am very selective on who I run with.

I wasn’t always this way, but in time I learned the importance of who you invest your time with.

Are you investing it with those who can elevate your mindset? Those who can bring out the best in you? Those who can and will challenge you to grow?

Or are you investing it with those who have sat with their fixed mindsets and constantly complain about their situation? Those who, by default, are going to keep you where you’re at and away from where you’re (want to be) headed?

These are questions I constantly ask myself.

If I know that time is my most valuable asset and I am not a great steward of how I choose to and who I choose to spend my time with and around, I am doing myself and my loved ones a disservice.

I’ve applied this way of thinking to my business as well.

It’s not that I won’t welcome anyone under the sun, I absolutely, excitedly will.

But what I won’t do anymore is chase people down trying to convince them of the value and the importance of commitment.

I’ve learned that investing, again, valuable time trying to convince those who often have no desire to be convinced is theft from the opportunity to pour into those who ARE on the bus. Who ARE at the table.

This has not only made me more intentional with the folks who are committed and appreciate the concept of value, it ensures that I am able to deliverer the highest level of service and return on their time investments.

On top of this, what I’ve learned that this ‘tight ship’ mentality actually attracts the right people to you, without much effort.

They say the proof is in the pudding and that is 100% true.

Do great work. Focus on feeding and serving who is at your table.

In time, the right people will find you.

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