Train like the youth athlete you are. It works a lot better.
“ ‘Train like the Pro’s!’
Train like the youth athlete you are, who needs to develop & consistently enhance a general foundation so that you can maximize qualities and then access & use them in specific environments (sports).
I know my sales pitch isn’t as cute, but I’ll wear it.”
-Ray Zingler on X
I’ll tell ya, it’s tough sledding in 2023 trying to sell simple, scientifically sound, performance enhancing training rooted in fundamental prescriptions and repeated efforts. It really is.
Despite knowing that what we’re doing at Zingler Strength (and the many other places across the country who choose to defy the bullshit) works and is exactly what our kids desperately need, it is a daily, uphill battle that takes real courage and resolve to stay in the fight.
As Phil Knight said, “Business is war without bullets.” And he is 100% right.
You’ll never catch me complaining about how it isn’t fair or how the playing field is unlevel, either. Of course it is. That is the whole point. If you can’t establish that truth early and often, business isn’t for you.
But I will tell you: If you’re smart and you recognize the muddiness of business, you can easily see why it would challenge your integrity.
Think about it for a minute. While this is coming from a youth athlete training perspective, the notion remains true for most any business.
If I know the modern consumer is busy, not going to do their research, and is attracted to flashy things (whether or not they carry in validity is insignificant to many modern consumers’) would it not behoove me to forgo what I know is right and serve the consumer what (they think) they want want/need?
I could let go of all of this time I pour into continuing education, writing daily blogs, books, writing sound programming, implementing sound programming, keeping kids safe, ENSURING they get an (actual, tangible) return on their investment, spending countless hours at students games, and sponsoring every program I can get my hands on..
And I could simply trade it for a cut rate, on the fly, “train like the pros” speed and agility obstacle course that I make up 5 minutes before I see the athletes like the vast majority of the industry does.
How easy would that be? Nothing on earth would be easier.
I’d save hundreds of hours of time every year and the consumer wouldn’t even know the difference.
But I would.
And that’s why I’ll stay on the grindstone.
Do things the right way for the right people.
Your efforts and impact are not in vain.