'Travel' Sports As A Concept Aren't The Problem

It's the fact that we don't use a kid-centric model for athletic development in America, that is the problem.

It’s the fact that we don’t use a kid-centric model for athletic development in America, that is the problem.

“As Spring sports wind down & summer ball (that started months ago, lol) ramps up, remember this:

The parents and kids, especially, are the most valuable asset to the travel ball industry.

You don’t have to run yourself into the ground, even if the charlatans use FOMO tactics.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I’ll be the first to tell you, I am NOT anti-travel/club/summer ball.

I think it’s fantastic for kids to be involved in sports during their (increasingly shorter) summer breaks.

Get up early for a ball practice/tournament or stay up all night eating candy and sleep in until noon? Strictly from a work ethic perspective I’m choosing the former.

My issue with travel ball is not the “sports”, it’s the fact that in America we do not use a ‘Kid-Centric’ model. It isn’t about development.

It is a highly politicized, over-prescrption of sports that has been slowly bred into our society by people with financial incentives, who know how to market a product in which they can leverage parents by way of their children.

“They need it to be the best they can be!”

“So they don’t lose their competitive edge!”


While I understand the sentiment for the above 3 arguments, they are largely untrue in the modern world.

When has an abundance of anything ever been optimal prescription? Never. These “coaches” don’t understand the first thing about real development.

Competitive edge & recruiting?

Let’s take a look at the main “travel sports”: baseball, softball, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, & basketball.

With the exception of basketball, each and every one of those sports heading into summer is coming directly off a Spring season or heading directly into a Fall season.

Do you really think they need MORE for a “competitive edge”?

Have you been to a travel ball game? Outside of a couple games the feel & environment is as lackluster as it gets.

Recruiting you say?

You’ve got to play in 8-10 tournaments in an 8-week summer, several of which are over a week long? For recruiting purposes?

Are you sure you? Who said? The coach you’re paying?

Go to a couple strategic camps/showcases & then be a kid.

Again, I have no problem with sports. I love sports and the idea of staying active.

But to think you have to run your body & mind into the ground, over prescribing sports you’re coming off of/going into because some slick Rick with a travel ball hat on says you need to is absolute hog wash.

If you say it’s “about the kids” then make it about the kids.

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