True Authenticity Is A Dying Art

The square, plastic boxes society wants us in is killing the concept with each passing day.

The square, plastic boxes society wants us in is killing the concept with each passing day.

“In a square, plastic, mass produced world, having substance and being authentic is becoming less popular, but it’s never been more important.

Sure you won’t attract the masses when you bring real from your soul, but damnit you’ll attract the right people, that’s for sure.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

If you’re not careful, the ways of the world will get you.

It’s only natural to start walking like them, talking like them, and acting like them when you’re striving for acceptance in a broken world.

I never could understand why people would want to try to mesh with “the way things are” versus maintaining personal ethics, morals, and values that are important to them and moving society forward, but here we are in 2023.

Of course “they” will tell you that authenticity is still super important, but the authenticity they are talking about comes with 2 caveats.

1)  Be authentic so long as you’re authenticity coincides with the parameters and rules that our (broken) society is most comfortable with.

2)  Ensure that you look the authentic part on social media so they “see you” doing it and assume you’re authentic and carry yourself the way you project.

The problem with these two caveats is that they are actually pseudo-authentic.

True authenticity isn’t guided by “progressive” man’s interpretation of what is moral or immoral, acceptable or unacceptable.

True authenticity can’t be projected when you’re governed by a school board or county office.

True authenticity can’t manifest itself when an HR department is breathing down your neck telling you what to say, act, or tweet.

True authenticity isn’t talking the talk on social media and then not living the code in your business or personal life on the back end. In the cowboy world, that is called all hat and no cattle.

True authenticity is only possible when freedom, real freedom, is the construct guiding your life.

In the plastic world we live in where most are puppets being pulled on strings, this concept of freedom and authenticity is naturally going to rub people the wrong way as they have been groomed and conditioned to be accepting of the square boxes they want us in. (Literally – have you seen the cookie cutter houses they are putting on 1/16 acres these days?)

But despite this new way of life where everything is accepted and the same, be authentic anyway.

Not only is it more fulfilling, you’ll attract the right people into your life despite them being fewer in number.

Thankfully, small circles are more valuable anyway.

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