Being open to listening and learning from everybody you encounter is a super power.
“Was in an Uber with an African scientist who holds multiple PhDs and is currently researching antibiotic resistance.
I noticed his radio was on the Christian station.
I asked him about his faith Christ.
He told me he knows too much about science to deny God as the creator.”
-Ray Zingler on X
“Oh gosh, here goes that Christian nut, again!”
I understand there are shallow readers out there who are going to see this, CHOOSE to get offended, make a snarky comment about my “make-believe fairy who lives in the sky”, and then unfollow me.
I get the memo at this point and embrace the persecution that comes with being a Christian in modern America.
But if you can accept my belief, just like I can accept and respect yours, I think there is an immense amount of value in this message, Christian or not.
I was in DC this past weekend and Ubering around to prevent having to rent a car.
I am one of those Uber riders who generally prefers to keep to myself and work from my phone, but also not opposed to having a conversation if the driver is seeking conversation.
It was clear when I got in this car, this man, who looked and talked far different from me was interested in having a conversation.
My initial assumption was probably like many of yours, “great, let’s see where this goes” (sarcastically).
We began talking and he told me that he was not from DC, but East Africa.
He is here on a work visa and commutes back and forth throughout the calendar year.
“Oh, wow that is very interesting, do you work outside of Uber or is this your main gig?”
He started chuckling and said, “no, no.. I am a research scientist with multiple PhD’s currently researching super bugs and antibiotic resistance. I Uber on the weekends to send additional money back home to my family in Africa.”
“Well sh*t.”
Obviously impressed, I told him how I thought that was amazing and then asked him about the Christian radio station he had playing in the car.
“I can’t help but notice the Christian radio station, so I have to ask, being a research scientist, what’s it like being a Christian in a field full of colleagues who generally are not?”
“That’s a great question, I have found that there is an immense amount of value in the belief of Jesus and science. I know too much about science to deny God’s hand in it all and I also have a deep appreciation for science because of its ability to advance our society and help others.
While there are people who are intolerant of others’ beliefs, I have found that those are the minority. Most of my colleagues, who are all very intelligent people, are very respectful of my beliefs just as I am of theirs.
At the end of the day, I’ve found that if we can simply be respectful of others personal beliefs and focus on the common good of one another we can accomplish amazing things. And that is what I am trying to do.”
I wish my Uber ride was an hour longer because the wisdom coming from that man was unending.