You Can Water It Down If You Want, But They Paid For Our Freedom With Their Pulses

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

“Have whatever political views you want, I don’t care.

But recognize this:

There were people who signed dotted lines for low pay & then paid for our freedom with their pulse.

They did it because they deemed freedom for fellow man a worthy enough cause.

Happy Memorial Day.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

When I first started Zingler Strength in my parents basement in 2010, I accidentally started it.

That’s how badly I didn’t know what I was doing from a business perspective, but I was just hell bent on training athletes and that’s all I was focused on. It consumed me.

If there was a word stronger than ‘passionate’ take it and quadruple it, and you still wouldn’t be half way close to how much I loved it and still do.

But the first thing I hung up when I started my gym venture wasn’t a sign. It wasn’t a poster. It was a giant American flag that looking back, was way too big for the space. WAY too big. But I didn’t care.

I was 19-year-old kid chasing my American Dream.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved America. I think it’s the greatest place in the world, despite the issues her people have created for her.

There is so much opportunity in America that not succeeding is literally a baffling concept to me. I honestly to this day don’t understand how you don’t succeed in this place with the vast amount of opportunities everywhere you look.

From the computer screen to the corn field, there is an abundance of opportunity if you simply work hard and take a little pride in whatever it is you do. America will pay you. I promise.

So where am I going with this?

I’ll tell you.

Strangers, decades ago, from many to few, who you never knew and who never knew you thought that it would be a good idea to trade their heartbeats for us to experience this concept of freedom.

They took low paying jobs, fighting political wars they didn’t care to fight, and then were put in boxes when they expired.

The American Solider paid the ultimate sacrifice for no other reason than wanting us to be able to so ignorantly naïve in understanding how much freedom actually costs.

We have the freedom to live in peace and the freedom to succeed because people we never knew bought our opportunities.

I’ll forever honor their sacrifices with my efforts as I recognize I will forever be deeply indebted to the ones who paid it all.

Happy Memorial Day.

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