Here is what kids actually care about:
“You know what kids want?
They want you to give a shit about them and be real with them.
When they feel your authenticity, it creates an environment where they can authentically express themselves.
Safe Environment + Authentic Expression = Increased Outputs.”
-Ray Zingler on X
I mean really care about them.
Not that fake, pseudo, sounds good to ‘say at the banquet’ bullshit.
But the real stuff.
The real stuff that cannot be faked or bought, but must be authentically lived, Every. Single. Day.
It’s honestly why I love business so much.
It forces me to level up, every day.
Even when I am at my best, and I try to be the best I can be every day, I can still lose.
Can you imagine if I just coasted and didn’t show genuine, authentic, high-quality care for those who trust our services? I wouldn’t have a business, I’d go hungry.
Yet, people in public positions or large corporations can coast every single day because the level of accountability is so astronomically low and people are forced into the cogs of the machines these people operate in.
It’s why many people only “kinda care” about our kids, if they even care at all. Many folks (look to) care when it’s convenient, but happily shut off when they want to.
That ain’t how it works in the business world. You’re on every day or you lose. I am thankful for this, though, because it’s brought on a perspective and sense of intentionality that I’d never have without it.
What it’s taught me is this:
Kids don’t care how smart you are.
They don’t care at what level you played at.
They don’t care how much you know about math or baseball.
They don’t even care how many professional athletes you’ve trained.
They care about 1, fundamental thing:
“Does this person who is (attempting to) lead me, authentically care about me?”
And many adults think they can fool them, but they can’t.
These kids can see through the phonies faster than their 5g smartphones can process data.
This is why many coaches can talk all day long about culture, but never have it.
You must give them the real stuff.
And if you do, you’ll be able to get the most out of them.
The recipe for increased outputs doesn’t call for a lot, but it does call for trust, safety, & authenticity.
Give it to them or stay the hell out of their lives.