Coach Wannabe Tacti-Cool Smith at the ball-field ain’t it for a variety of reasons.
“Note to coaches stepping outside their scope, attempting to coach what they aren’t qualified to..
Before you in stall ‘Navy Seal Workouts’ to show off your Non-Seal toughness, remember:
BUD/S wasn’t designed to make people tough.
It was designed to make people quit.”
-Ray Zingler on X
“Do your job!”
It’s a phrase you’ll hear coaches yelling at kids on every sport field across the country..
All while these coaches sit there and try to do somebody else’s job that they are not only NOT qualified to do, but create a liability in the process.
The good ‘ol American Way!
As we embark on summer training season and out of shape coaches who don’t live the code in their own lives attempt to “whip kids into shape”, it’s important to note that when you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re more than likely going to do more harm than good.
This goes for attempting to use a baitcasting fishing rod without ever have using one and S&C training just the same.
The funniest part about unqualified people trying to get kids into shape is that it is always those who know the least who try to prescribe the most.
This is why you see adults having kids run endless miles (to kill time so they can play on their phones) and some are still living and dying by 300’s & 110’s.
But the best part of Summer Training?
Good ‘ol Navy Seal Training.
That’s right, baby.
Some of these coaches will bring in military operators to put kids through workouts or better yet, literally google “Navy Seal Workout” and then ask kids to perform the grueling activities.
But let me put it to you straight, Coach, “We’re trying to build a pro-grum here” Smith..
BUD/S was not designed to “bring people together”.
It wasn’t designed to “develop mental toughness”.
It was designed to weed people (who are already in MAGNIFICENT shape) out. It is designed to make people quit so that only the cream rises to the top.
So, you can see with any Navy Seal work out, or <insert any grueling work out that sends unprepared kids into a state of exhaustion> not only are these types of “workouts” inappropriate for kids coming off the couch, they are counterproductive.
As a coach, it is your job to build our youth up, not tear them down.
This is why hiring qualified performance coaches, who use scientifically sound, progressive training models, will forever trump the tacti-cool, wannabe tough guy, nonsense.
Progressive Overload > Theater.