Lanes Exist On The Road & In Coaching For A Reason

Here is why it's critical to stay in ours:

Here is why it’s critical to stay in ours:

“Most Sport Coaches know Sport.

Most Sport Coaches Dont know Physical Preparation for Sport.

Which is okay because that’s not their job.

The problem is when Sport Coaches try to coach what they don’t know & prepscribe ‘what they think it should be.’

Lanes exist for a reason.”

-Ray Zingler

Of course, the inverse is true.

But what do you see more of?

Sport Coaches trying to coach Strength & Performance (SpEeD & aGiLiTy) or Performance Coaches trying to coach Sport?


I understand the function of bunting, moving runners, and trying to play (and win) small ball. I even understand situations where a squeeze may be appropriate

But you won’t find me coaching bunt coverages.


Because I’m not a baseball coach.

I am a Strength & Conditioning coach.

So, I don’t coach baseball.

I coach Strength & Conditioning.

Common sense, right?

Goodness gracious, you’d like to think that’d be the case, wouldn’t you?

But sport coaches, every day, everywhere in the world step directly out of their “DO YOUR JOB” advice they give to their players, and try to do other people’s jobs, they don’t know how to do.

The irony is as comical as is it beautiful.

There is a variety of reasons they do this, ranging from desired power, to ego, to budgets, but regardless of how you chop it up or spin it, it’s wrong.

You’d never tolerate the English teacher Teaching math, but you’ll shove your kid into the weight room with a sport coach tomorrow?

Hell, the only potential consequence of the English teacher, teaching Math is that it may take one extra step for your kid to find the answer to his “problems” on google.

The potential consequences from the unqualified coaching your kids in the realm of performance start with “being significantly less than their potential” at best, to “massive liability” at worst.

But Hell yeah, Susan! Stick your pitchfork in the ground over the English teacher teaching Math but send your kid into a room full of iron, egos, risk, and the unqualified without batting an eye.

Lanes exist for a reason.

And if we want to be the best we can be for our kids, it’s critically important to have the correct personnel fulfill roles.

It’s bat shit crazy to me that people get offended by this, but they do, every day.

And it’s because their egos lead them to falsely believe they can do it all.

And when you try to do it all, you fail.

Not only yourself…

But the kids.


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