There is a lot of good out there, but you must think critically and verify.
We indoctrinate children, demonize strength, drive trucks with plastic parts, live in houses where you can see the grit on your neighbors roof shingles, keep dogs in the house, & allow strangers opinions on the internet to affect our daily lives.
Is “‘right’ right or wrong?”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
You want to know how backwards we’ve gone?
Google 1982 Chevy Pick-up/2022 Chevy Pick-Up side by side comparison.
It’s probably the truest representation of “not all progress is progress” that I’ve ever seen.
While this isn’t a political post as I work to tie this message back to my vocation, I think in many realms of life, we continue to move increasingly backwards, compromising standards and morals at every turn for no other reason than we’ve been conditioned by the world to be accepting of everything under the sun.
And we naively call it progress.
“Land of the Free”
(Just so long as you look, walk, & talk the way they want you to, are accepting of compromised moral standards, hate the military, & type certain words on a social media app that are congruent with a political parties narrative.)
“Home of the Brave.”
I’m stepping off my soap box and getting to the point.
The beauty of the modern world is that we have access to many high-quality resources.
But here is the kicker: We actually have to verify that what we are dabbling in, is in fact quality.
Because as much as there IS good quality out there, there is a lot of bad quality out there that effectively blends in because most consumers aren’t willing to verify quality from garbage.
Well, I mean, they will sometimes with their window treatments in their homes, but training for their developing adolescent in the most critical, life changing stage of their life?
“Who is the cheapest?” or “Ehh, that sport coach is probably fine.”
Again, consult a variety of interior designers for the best window treatments, but shove Jimmy out there with Joe Blow because #convienence. #Merica.
It’s not all the same.
Good training and bad training is as different as right is from left.
The “progressives” in the training world are trying to sell you flash.
They are using the “advanced” words and “advanced” techniques for no other reason than most consumers’ aren’t driven to what works the best, but what is the shiniest.
But let me remind you, just because it glitters, doesn’t mean it’s gold.
Do your homework. Ask questions. Verify.
Just like we teach kids in the school hall. Or we did.