They are focused on streamlining results, not impressing Twitter.
“So many ‘performance’ coaches complicate low training age athletes programs with high complexity programs.
Not because it’s what they need or anything, but because they are trying to ‘stand out’ and be ‘different’.
They’re doing it for retweets on Twitter & likes on Instagram.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
If I’ve learned anything in my 20 years of working at my craft, S&C, it’s that the most advanced coaches are actually the simplest.
They’ve been around the block. They have time and sweat in the game and the callouses on their hands to show for it.
What they eventually realize is that it all works, it really does.
The biggest reason most don’t see results is not because their training is too simple, it’s because they lack consistency and an understanding of a long-term training model.
You show up consistently, work intelligently hard, and manipulate a few of the (right) variables that are essential to be manipulated over time, and you win. That’s how this thing works.
But amateur coaches? Your corner shop guru?
No, no, no, of course he’d never be caught dead feeding kids what they actually need. Simplicity, consistency, and execution.
Because that doesn’t stand out.
Simple isn’t “built different”.
And “We aren’t like everybody else. We grind around here. We’re the best in the game.”
I mean these idiots honestly believe this stuff about themselves.
They have no foundation. They have no understanding of development. They don’t track any metrics or collect any data, they don’t do anything related to “performance”.
They buy some cones, ladders, mini hurdles, bungee cords and a bluetooth speaker, and ask kids to aimlessly shuffle around implements for an hour until they get tired while shouting buzz words at them.
Its literally bastardized hop scotch.
And well-intentioned consumers’ buy the garbage simply because they don’t know any better.
The amateurs are selling flashy exercise modality that people assume works because “Jimmy goes to see that guy and he loves it.”
Jimmy might love going to math class because there are some cute girls in there, but he has a 40 in the class. Is this acceptable?
Pro Coaches aren’t selling exercises and sets/reps.
Admittedly, that stuff can get kind of boring.
What we are selling is safety, accountability, and results.
Beyond that, we are selling the above within a growth-oriented environment in which athletes feel a sense of safety and belonging.
Ask yourself:
“Are you trying to be entertained or are you trying to improve?”
If you want the ladder, you’ll have to do some homework on a Coach.