They need leaders who are focused on their micro and macro development.
“If you work with kids in any capacity and your FIRST priority isn’t equipping them with tools to become better people to navigate a broken world, ‘what you do’ doesn’t really matter.
The Internet and YouTube can replace what you do.
The kids need YOU.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Just look at the day and age in which we live.
It’s a broken place, with broken leaders, trying to blindly pander to the concept of “Progress” (despite not being able to define it), while at every turn, compromising the very ethics, morals, and values that made this place great.
And the concern shouldn’t be for the adults in this country who have the ability to choose whether or not they want to be part of the problem or part of the solution, but the children who are being groomed by the environments in which they are growing up in.
Kid’s aren’t dumb, not in the slightest, but without a fully developed frontal lobe, they are sponges that are going to soak up what is exposed to them, whether the exposures are good, bad, or, indifferent. That’s learning. That’s how it works.
Because I recognize the trajectory of the world and what it is our kids are exposed to, I’ve adjusted my leadership strategy.
I’ve learned that I have a great responsibility being blessed to have access to the volume of kids that I do.
And I’ve learned that this blessing is FAR MORE about them than it is me.
I recognize, at the end of the day, it’s not really about what I do, but about what they get from me.
As a S&C Coach, of course the main thing needs to be the main thing and I must deliver on my performance induing promises, but what if that’s the extent of it?
They can go on Google and get (likely flawed) exercise advice, and perform a workout routine, (theoretically) making me obsolete.
I know this will hurt some feelings, but the same can be said for the Math teacher, Spanish tutor, and Soccer skills coach. You can learn how to play the Guitar and the Tuba on YouTube, too.
I know for certain, qualified, in-person resources are far better than impersonal google searches or YouTube videos, but that’s the world we live in.
Without giving our kids something deeper than our surface level vocation, we are theoretically no better of a resource than the above.
We must recognize our impact is about THEIR development in life, not our skills.
Our kids need US, not our means to an end.